I’m a single mum of two young boys and work full time. I have been ordering Lite n’ Easy as a way of helping me get a convenient, affordable and balanced diet for some time now. I have also used Lite n’ Easy in the past to help me lose weight.
I usually order a Lite n’ Easy Lunch and Dinner Pack for myself, and I have not had a meal that I don't enjoy. I still cook for my boys, or sometimes they will share a Lite n' Easy Dinner meal. Having my meals home delivered each week, means I don’t have to get home from work and spend time and energy thinking about what to cook for one person. We can have a quick play outside instead.
I only have short lunch breaks at work so it’s good to bring my Lite n’ Easy lunch box, so my meals at work are already sorted. Otherwise, I’m wasting time and money running up the road to get an expensive takeaway meal, only to get back to work and miss out on my break.
Now that I have more time, I like to exercise everyday if I can. I really enjoy it, whether it be weights training, walks with friends, riding on my stationary bike after the kids go to bed, or getting out the resistance bands. I always try to do about 45 minutes of exercise per day.
The great thing about this routine is that my dinner is ready in under 10 minutes with Lite n’ Easy, even less if it’s a salad or something from the newer “Fresh Chilled” range, which I love!
My sons are 4 and 5 years old and they are chaotic, busy little boys. We spend a lot of time at the park, at the pool and the beach, trying to wear down as much energy as possible. I am happy to have more energy myself to be able to keep up with them, now that I am eating a healthier diet.
You’re in charge, so feel free to walk away from the table whenever you want.
Not happy in your first week? No worries, we’ll refund your first payment in full.
Not happy in your first week? No worries, we’ll refund your first payment in full.