I used Lite n’ Easy after having my first child over a decade ago to lose weight, but one of the prevailing memories was just how convenient it was and how good the food was.
We have two kids who both eat very differently, neither of us parents particularly enjoy cooking and we have jobs where we regularly work late into the evening. So up until a few years ago, one tired parent would cook a meal and then fight our way through getting the kids to eat. We also ended up eating the same thing over and over or buying take away.
A year ago I started looking at a solution. I researched a few different food delivery services and then logged back into my old Lite n' Easy account. I looked at the pricing and the food choices and decided this was the best option.
I know that sounds dramatic but it's true. The evenings are no longer a wasteland of food arguments and no-one has to cook! For the adults we order almost entirely from the Fresh Dinner range. For the kids we order from the frozen Everyday Value Meals and Lunches. We change up our order every week depending on who's doing what and whose eating what.
I let the kids pick from the online menu themselves and then they also choose which meal they want to eat each night. Fighting over food is gone! One of the great unpredicted benefits of Lite n’ Easy is that if a kid gets hungry and we're still working or distracted, they ask me if they can make dinner. They'll select what they want and throw it in the microwave themselves.
Another bonus is that the adults ended up losing a few kilos by eating a much healthier evening meal than we had been. We both work in the theatre and travel a lot for work. I recently went away and packed 5 days of Lite n’ Easy in my suitcase on ice, to eat whilst away. Stewart does the same thing now!
You’re in charge, so feel free to walk away from the table whenever you want.
Not happy in your first week? No worries, we’ll refund your first payment in full.
Not happy in your first week? No worries, we’ll refund your first payment in full.